Tuesday, January 05, 2010

If you ask the average man on the street he will tell you that Republicans are rich and greedy. He will tell you that Republicans control all the corporations and wealth and Democrats are the struggling middle class. He will be totally wrong.

These days, the super-wealthy in this country are Democrats and the working middle class are mostly Republican. Roles have essentially been reversed, but the old perceptions persist. The public doesn’t realize that most major public company Presidents are Democrats. They probably don’t know that virtually all the Wall Street moguls are Democrats. Most investment bankers are Democrats. The 25 most wealthy on the Forbes 400 list are Democrats. The presidents of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are Democrats. The four wealthiest men on the planet, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros and Larry Ellison are all Democrats. Republicans are the shop owners, the engineer, the accountant, the small business owner. In other words, the middle class. Democrats are now the upper class and the lower class. The very wealthy and the very poor, for the most part. Republicans are in the middle...
...the press continues to paint Republicans as being rich, greedy and, yes, mean-spirited. The preponderance of newspaper reporters and newspaper owners are Democrats, or are independents who vote for and support Democrats. Republicans do not get fairly represented in the average newspaper or TV news station.
From an interview with Gary Aminoff

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