Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HillBuzz: Right on!

Excerpt from An Open Letter to Our Readers
In about two years, if we work hard, we believe we can see to it that Liberals are exiled from power and influence for the next 30 years. We can defeat them from the school board level all the way up to the White House. We can roll back all of their PC nonsense, all of their economy-killing “progressive measures”, and even take back the educational system and remove all the brainwashing they’re inflicting upon our children. It’s not going to be easy, and the Left will resist us kicking and screaming, lashing out like demons in an exorcism, but if we work hard we will win.

The irony of all this, to us, is that if Liberalism and “the progressive agenda” were really so wonderful, you’d think these people wouldn’t have to resort to calling people who oppose them RAAACISTS, trying to ruin them, threaten physical violence against them, or want to see them die of AIDS or otherwise be killed.

If what the Liberals are selling is so wonderful, so chock full of unicorns and Hope-and-Changey delicious Kool-Aid, then why do they have to use Alinsky tactics and thuggery to advance their cause?

Why do these people have to behave like villains from books, TV, and movies if they are so enlightened and they really know what’s best for everyone?

We’ll continue to ask these questions, and many more, in the days, weeks, months, and YEARS to come, God willing, and with your continued and much needed support.

We can’t do this alone, especially not in light of the increased attacks, but we will strive to do our level best for this country…and we hope you stand up with us as much as you can.

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