Sunday, January 31, 2010

Healthcare: just a vote away

The White House says they are one vote away from ramming Obamacare through Congress...

Boy, you can NEVER rest with totalitarians who can see their black light at the end of their dark tunnel to 'Utopia'!
Obama likes the “brother’s keeper” language so much that he used it last year to sell healthcare reform to the same religious leaders that are now starting to distance themselves...Obama’s call to social justice comes from Genesis 4:8-10. That passage describes how, in a fit of jealously, Cain murdered his brother Abel. Later, God asks Cain where his brother is, and Cain’s answer is a dismissive “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?” Basically, Obama is using a flippant remark by the first murderer to sell his health care plan to religious leaders.

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