Sunday, January 03, 2010

Have YOU had an experience (or know someone who has) with a corrupt public official in any branch at any level of the U.S. government?

If so, then this message is for you: IMPORTANT CALL FOR HELP FROM ORLY TAITZ

Public Integrity section of DOJ [Department of Justice] is responsible for prosecution of corrupt public officials in all branches and all levels of the government up to the President. Stop whining, roll your sleeves and let’s move on this front.

I need you to prepare a complaint demanding criminal investigation and prosecution of each corrupt judge, assistant US attorney, FBI agent, Social Security Administration official so on. Please attach documents, facts, dates, quote any statutes violated (that you know of), go to the notary public, sign and notarize your signature. I need you to send one copy to the director of Public Integrity Unit, one copy to me [ or 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 ] and forward a copy to any media outlet you can think of.

Keep record of media responses. Report to all media outlets info from my dossiers regarding Obama’s multiple social security numbers, his use of SSN of the deceased individuals. Please make a report naming each and every media executive, producer, reporter, journalist, who refuses to publish this info or uses his media outlet to attack you and defraud the public. Again, notarize the report, send a copy to FCC-Federal Communications Commission, copy to Public Integrity Unit, report them for aiding and abetting corrupt public officials, send a copy to me and publish all of the info everywhere you can: US and International media.

Believe me, we don’t need to get all of them. after a few corrupt judges, US attorneys, Social Security agents, media executives and reporters will get prison terms, other will think twice. Move on. we don’t have time to waste. Make no mistake. We are witnessing a coup d’estat of this whole nation by an unholy alliance of radical communism, radical Islam, Chicago mafia – all with World Wide Reach and enormous financial resources. It’s either them or us. Look at the totalitarian regimes of Ahmaninejad or Stalin. If you don’t want to live in a regime like this, follow me and work 25/7 /365 to clean up this Nation.
The Public Integrity Section oversees the federal effort to combat corruption through the prosecution of elected and appointed public officials at all levels of government. The Section has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of criminal misconduct on the part of federal judges and also monitors the investigation and prosecution of election and conflict of interest crimes. Section attorneys prosecute selected cases against federal, state, and local officials, and are available as a source of advice and expertise to other prosecutors and investigators. Since 1978, the Section has supervised the administration of the Independent Counsel provisions of the Ethics in Government Act.



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