Saturday, January 16, 2010

GOBSMACKED: 13 miles high

Breathtaking spy plane footage

From a friend:

Fasten your seat belt for a fantastic ride.

This video is a once in a lifetime experience of a British civilian getting a flight at over 70,000 ft. in a U-2 spy plane.

Please note at the take-off the assist wheels on the outer edges of the wings which drop off upon take-off.

The wings are so long that they need temporary support until lift-off.

What is not shown is at the landing the plane actually slows to a small enough speed that two guys are actually able to grab the wing tips and put those assist wheels back on.

The civilian getting the ride is the host of the car show on BBC shown through Europe at 9:00 pm Sunday night in Belgium anyway the name of which escapes me at the moment [Top Gear is the name].

The views are spectacular as the U-2 flies at altitudes which constitute "SPACE." It's a bit long, but it's really cool!! It's worth investing 10 minutes of your time in my humble opinion.

Use your full screen and sound as this is a high-quality film clip, 10 minutes long.

Breathtaking spy plane footage

PS: You might cry a little at the end :-)

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