Thursday, January 07, 2010

Given the ever-increasing national debt ($12+ trillion and counting), and with nearly $90 trillion (!) in unfunded Medicare liabilities, why, oh why, are we on the verge of having the federal government assume responsibility for providing healthcare for 40+ million more Americans?

With 15 million additional people fully covered under Medicaid and another 26 million heavily subsidized by the government in the new insurance exchange. All at an incremental annual cost approaching $200 billion by 2019 according to the CBO. (A number, I suspect, which will be much higher by then.)

Have our leaders in Washington completely lost their minds? Is this why “we need heath insurance reform now”? So a federal government which has never in history demonstrated one iota of ability to reign in spending can permanently add another 40+ million people to federal entitlement programs. This is the silver bullet necessary to reduce costs? Really??

It defies logic. It defies evidence. It’s completely preposterous.
Read the whole thing!

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