Sunday, January 10, 2010

California's Proposition 8 defining marriage as between one man and one woman goes on trial Monday

In a case with implications for the entire country, California's Proposition 8 defining marriage as between one man and one woman goes on trial Monday with only private citizens speaking up for the voter-passed constitutional amendment – because state officials have refused to defend it.

Much is riding on the case of Perry vs. Schwarzenegger, for the lawsuit is petitioning a federal court to overturn not just a law, but a constitutional amendment passed by the people and affirmed by the state's Supreme Court. A victory for same-sex marriage advocates in the case could set a precedent for federal courts to overturn every law and amendment in the country currently protecting the traditional definition of marriage.
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There's a pattern that has developed in America and this pattern has its roots in totalitarianism. The will of the voters is being pushed aside, ignored, and overturned by thugs who will do anything to take away our freedoms and our self-determination and the rule of law. Witness how unpopular Obamacare is in the polls and yet Democrats are shoving it down our throats...even to the point of, yet again, determining to ignore the Massachusetts election - Scott Brown swearing-in would be stalled to pass health-care reform.

As for California, I've personally seen it degenerate from, in the 1950's, an incredibly affordable and beautiful place to live to where it is today...and George Will is absolutely right on when he says: Liberalism is What is Killing California".

And it's killing America too.

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