Thursday, December 31, 2009

The secret history of TWA Flight 800

China Confidential analysts suspect the plane [TWA Flight 800] was downed by a joint Iranian-Al Qaeda operation, and that KSM's redacted statement may indicate as much.

China Confidential analysts also suspect the jumbo jetliner was attacked on July 17--Iraqi national liberation day--in order to pin blame on the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein, with which Iran had fought an eight-year war that cost a million Iranian lives. ...

Not for nothing did U.S. Senator John Kerry, Democrat, on two occasions on national television refer to the destruction of TWA 800 as a "terrorist act." ...

In fact, intelligence experts know Al-Jawary was involved in the TWA bombing.

His release was an early sign that the Obama administration had decided to appease Arab and Islamist terrorists.

You won't believe this history of the plane(s) attached to this story! You really owe it to yourself, especially given the recent terrorist activities in our airplanes, to read the whole story!

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