Monday, December 28, 2009

Kwanzaa Schmanzaa

What do you get when you take a bad science fiction writer with a desire for immortality and add a lust for tax breaks? Scientology. What do you get when you take a neo-marxist felon and add a desire for black nationalism? Kwanzaa. What do both Kwanzaa and Scientology have in common? They are fraudulent products of post-modern culture given legitimacy by a press hell bent on diminishing the Judeo-Christian heritage in the United States.

Over the next few weeks, the media will be wishing people “Happy Holidays” and profiling families celebrating Kwanzaa -- advent wreath lighters are too religious for media profiles. What they won’t tell you is what I will tell you.

Kwanzaa has absolutely nothing to do with Africa and everything to do with hating the United States.
Read the whole thing

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