Tuesday, December 08, 2009

It's settled: there is no man-made global warming!

Leonard Weinstein has scientific credentials no reasonable person can deny. Dr. Weinstein is a former senior research scientist who worked more than 30 years at the NASA Langley Research Center. He is now senior research fellow at the National Institute of Aerospace. Last April, he wrote an essay "Disproving the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem."

Dr. Weinstein wrote: "In order to support a theory, specific predictions need to be made that are based on the claims of the theory, and the predictions then need to happen." He lists six theories on which the AGW model is based and then proceeds to dismantle each of them.
Dr. Weinstein concludes:
"The final question that arises is what prediction has the AGW made that has been demonstrated, and that strongly supports the theory. It appears that there is NO real supporting evidence and much disagreeing evidence for the AGW theory as proposed. That is not to say there is no effect from Human activity. Clearly human pollution (not greenhouse gases) is a problem. There is also almost surely some contribution to the present temperature from the increase in CO2 and CH4, but it seems to be small and not a driver of future climate. Any reasonable scientific analysis must conclude the basic theory wrong!!"
The Flathead Society

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