Monday, December 28, 2009

Homeland Insecurity

Had the device not malfunctioned, everyone on Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit would have perished...what went wrong?
• Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's father raised concerns about his son's increasing radicalism with Nigerian security agencies and US embassy staff but his warning was not acted upon.

• US embassy officials granted Abdulmutallab a visa to enter the US despite his father's warnings.

• Abdulmutallab was allowed to fly even though he was on a UK Home Office "watch list" and had been barred from entering Britain.

• Security officials at two airports failed to detect the explosives Abdulmutallab had strapped to his body.

• Security services in the UK, US and Africa failed to swap information on Abdulmutallab in the months and weeks leading up to the attack.
Read the whole thing

And the device that almost exploded is "easily detected"!!!

WASHINGTON - The explosive device used by the would-be Detroit bomber contained a widely available — and easily detected — chemical explosive that has a long history of terrorist use, according to government officials and explosive experts.

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