Monday, November 09, 2009

What does YOUR church say about the passage of the health care bill?

From a friend of a friend:
How many of you went to church this morning and heard your pastor speak against the passage of the health care bill?

I DID !!!

He told the congregation that we would now have more government in our lives. That it would increase our taxes. He said with increased taxes, we would lose freedom -- freedom to spend our money the way we choose. He said now we can worship as we choose, but we can't say "In Jesus' name" in prayers at football games. He said government doesn't give us our rights, but government dictates how we live. He said now, with time, our government will give us our health care -- it will no longer be an individual responsibility. But if the government gives it, it can take it away.

He said there are 50 things that used to be against the law but which are now funded by us! And we're silent!!! he said.

He read in the Bible a story that was like our country asking China for a loan, but China has strings attached. And then we go back to China for more!

We are losing our freedoms! We are mortgaging our country to China!

He said we can be on the Left or on the Right, but to be elected, politicians must be in the middle. But politicians don't decide where the middle is -- WE do. It is our job to move the centerline. We cannot be passive, he said.

It used to be all pastors spoke about politics from their pulpits, but now they are afraid because of their tax exempt status. But they should look at the tax code -- they can legally say a lot from the pulpit.

If your pastor didn't say these things this morning, perhaps you'll ask him/her to consider doing so in the future. Have him/her check with the IRS Code.

I know a church that has a "Watchman Ministry" just for that purpose, to guide its church members to work for/against State and Federal legislation. They keep a careful eye on the IRS Code.

This pastor then had a guest speak about churches in Iran, who told of how Christians in Iran are jailed for worshiping as they choose.

Oh, you want to know who the pastor is -- the pastor who "goes outside the box" in his sermons?

He is Pastor Rob McCoy of Calvary Chapel.

Pastor Rob has also granted us the use of his sanctuary to show the documentary NOT EVIL JUST WRONG.

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