Saturday, November 14, 2009

Proof that Obama is no Franklin D. Roosevelt!

This excerpt, while taken out of context story-wise, makes it unchallenginly clear that Obama is no FDR (no matter how much he keeps telling everyone he is). Furthermore, the acts of terror being discussed were on our own soil and within our own borders...FDR would not allow a civilian trial under that circumstance and thus would obviously be even less inclined to award a civilian trial to those from a battlefield in another country. Sorry Obama administration: this whole story (actual history) proves beyond a doubt that you are hiding under a plexiglass batch of fools will ultimately cause the deaths of more and more Americans.
How terrorists were dealt with by FDR
Excerpts from Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage, Joseph E. Persico, 2001

FDR essentially took charge of the case. He told Biddle that he wanted the eight agents tried, not in a civilian court, but by a military tribunal, which he himself would appoint. They had forfeited any right to a civilian trial, as Roosevelt put it, because "[t]hese men had penetrated battlelines strung on land along our two coasts and guarded on the sea by our destroyers, and were waging battle within our country." They fell under the Law of War. A military tribunal would be quick, not subject to the protracted appeals procedures of civilian courts. It would not be hog-tied by the criminal courts' exacting rules of evidence. It could impose the death sentence, not as the civil courts required, by a unanimous verdict, but by a two-thirds vote. A military tribunal offered the advantages and the assured outcome that the President wanted. A civilian court was out of the question. FDR told Biddle, "I want one thing clearly understood, Francis: I won't give them up . . . I won't hand them over to any United States Marshall armed with a writ of habeas corpus. Understand!"
Read this story--it's very telling!

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