Friday, November 06, 2009

Obama administration's ties to terrorists

2 Hasan's participation in a Homeland Security Panel + 2 Fort Hood Shooter's Former Imam had Terrorist Ties = A REAL QUESTION ABOUT OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S DEGREES OF SEPARATION:

From NPR on October 31, 2009
This past year has been one of the FBI's busiest — at least when it comes to terrorism cases. In the first 10 months of 2009, there have been possible plots exposed in Denver; Springfield, Ill.; Dallas; Boston; and, just this week, Chicago.

With so many alleged plots, it's difficult to know how seriously to take any particular threat. So the intelligence community has an informal system for ranking them. The basic idea: The closer the link to al-Qaida, the more serious the plot.
Ranking Terrorist Threats By Degree Of Separation

"I shall stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." --Barack Hussein Obama, Audacity of Hope

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