Sunday, November 08, 2009

Healthcare in America

Here are some excepts from piece on on Canadian Healthcare--a model on which much of the 2000-page bill that, with only 72-hours to read, the US House of Representatives PASSED yesterday! Even those that support Obamacare can't be in favor of giving the House (and the people) only 3 days to evaluate a TRILLION-DOLLAR bill that will have far reaching ramifications!

The piece was written by Dick Morris. Mr. Morris worked for President Bill Clinton during his 1st term and was on the cover of Time Magazine in the mid-90s.
Canadian doctors have left the practice and so many young people have entered other fields that Canada ranks 26th of 28 developed nations in its ratio of physicians to population.

This physician shortage leads to massive and never-ending waiting lists. In 1993, for example, there was an average wait of 9.3 weeks from the time a patient got a referral from a general practitioner to the time he could see a specialist. By 1997, the wait was up to 11.7 weeks. Now it's 17.3 weeks -- over four months just to see a specialist!

Because of these long waits for colonoscopies, there is now a 25 percent higher incidence of colon cancer in Canada than in the United States
Overall, the cancer death rate in Canada runs 16 percent higher than in the United States. Cancer does not wait for waiting lists to clear.

Now the Senate is our last hope to prevent the same fate in America.

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