Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Obamacare will get out of the Senate Finance Committee today, and then will be merged with all the other bad ideas on health care that Democrats cling to.

Then Harry Reid will try and force cloture on any bill no matter how incoherent or medicine-destroying its mix of incoherent initiatives and contradictory commands. He will need 60 votes to destroy American medicine and do so at extraordinary cost to the middle class who right now are covered by excellent insurance at significant but not punishing costs.

To get those 60 votes Reid will need one or two "yes" votes from Indiana's Evan Bayh, Colorado's Michael Bennet, Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln, Nebraska's Ben Nelson, and Virginia's James Webb, some of whom will be tempted to vote "yes" on cloture and then try to cover that vote with a "no" vote on the bill.

Every Republican legislator, every conservative commentator, every doctor and hospital professional, and every voter who sees Obamacare as the giant smash-up that it is needs to state again and again that we all know the cloture vote is the vote on Obamacare, and that we will work to defeat any senator who votes yes on cloture.

The contact information for these five and three other Democrats is below. Use it now and urge your families and friends to do the same or start reworking your budget to cut everything else out to pay for the health insurance premium hikes headed your way.

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