Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Standard Online: Modern terrorism was born courtesy of the US’s unwavering and skewed support of Israel

Obama father was Kenyan. Look what The Standard (For Fairness & Justice) Online Edition in Nairobi, Kenya says about Israel:
Obama’s Nobel win has sparked off controversy with critics arguing it was not deserved because it is still too early in the day.

On the other hand, Obama apologists argue the necessary benchmarks were met and the US President deserves the honour in recognition of his pro-peace policies.

The Nobel committee must have recognised that Obama has the potential for agitating for substantive reforms in international relations. The prize, therefore, is intended as a spur to Obama to remain steadfast.

Modern terrorism was born courtesy of the US’s unwavering and skewed support of Israel. Obama now espouses international co-operation, dialogue, less jingoism and the rule of law.

Obama has been to Egypt and Indonesia with a message of peaceful co-existence based on mutual respect and overlapping interests. This has created goodwill and reduced tensions, animosity and the desire for vendetta.

When he visited Africa, his advice was for leaders to be more accountable to the people and shun the ‘strong man’ syndrome.
Nobel to spur Obama peace campaign

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