Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Newt is wrong, Newt is running

Newt must really have decided to run for President in 2012 or I honestly don't believe he would be backing this brazen liberal!
If we were talking about a moderate Republican with some doctrinal differences, I might be inclined to agree that party support is more important than picking nits. If we were talking about a fiscal conservative who was squishy on same-sex marriage, I would grit my teeth but still probably vote for him; he would be on our side fighting nearly all the elements of Obamunism.

But the candidate picked by the GOP nomenklatura, Dede Scozzafava, is neither of the above: She is a brazen liberal, on a par with the Maine twins, Olympia Snowe (R, 12%) and Susan Collins (R, 20%). Scozzafava was not chosen by the rank and file; there was no primary, no election, not even a caucus...
You can't blame people who are ambitious and tenancious and all of that...but, hey, this is my country too and we do not need another Republican sell-out. I'm talking about Scozzafava, but Newt just may be in the process of selling out the country for his own personal ambition.

MESSAGE TO NEWT GINGRICH: The Party line just doesn't cut it anymore because it was the RINO's that sold us all out to Marxist scum.

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