Sunday, October 18, 2009

Join the Second American Revolution - updated

I've just updated the list I started a day or two after Obama became the President of the United States. (Just scroll down, it's on the right sidebar.) At first, there were only a couple of links, but that list grew a lot over the following months. I just went throught it and got rid of about 7 or 8 that had fallen by the wayside. That leaves the hardcore, serious sites with longevity.

Please, review this list again (or perhaps for the first time): We are in a crisis in this country and I urge you to find one or two (or however many you have time for) groups to align with--there's power in numbers and we are in the fight of our lives.

PS: About a week ago Google changed the code that controls how many "tags" (labels) any given user was allowed to have. Because I use a lot of tags (given the nature of the subjects I cover) and because I've been blogging a lot since 2006, I was instantly over my limit and cannot add any new ones. Needless to say, this is infuriating and counter-productive and makes my blog posts unavailable to anyone searching on a topic I've blogged on but can't tag. This is dispiriting and I havent' felt like posting as much. I've posted on Blogger's help forums, but there's been no remedy (and there isn't even any way I've found to delete labels I've already used--at least that is not incredibly time consuming and convoluted which of course would then render those posts once again unreadable to people searching for that topic).

Any suggestions?

I may, at some point, move my blog to WordPress...

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