Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Undercover sting operation exposes "Cash for Clunkers" fiasco

'Milk it, baby – It's free money': You won't believe what happens inside Cash for Clunkers operation
Aside from the overflowing toilets, vomit on the floor, and getting paid for doing nothing (your taxpayer money at work though):
She said the vouchers are "rife with idiotic mistakes by Level 1 reviewers who are rejecting them for no reason at all, mostly because they are not paying attention."

"I am amazed at the number of vouchers that have been rejected in the last six weeks," Willey said. "Many have been rejected and returned to dealers three to seven times! And for no good reason. What is happening here is that the Level 1 examiners are so inept and lazy that, rather than take the time to closely examine and review these vouchers the way that they should, they just hit the reject or approve button without a second thought. That, of course, slows down the whole process and the dealers aren't getting paid by the Department of Transportation. The dealers are frustrated and irate, and make no bones about it when they return their documents that are correct and don't need to be revised. When their documents are returned for revision, they have no number to call or person to e-mail."

Willey told WND that auto dealers were often very good about submitting the eight documents required to receive a rebate, but some vouchers were being sent back because Level 1 examiners failed to hit the "next" button to go to the following page of documents.

She said, "I saw that time and time again. Then the dealers would write back and say, 'It's on Page 2.'"

Willey said a single voucher would be passed around to as many as a dozen workers without being processed.
Stung! Undercover celeb exposes Obama fiasco

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