Saturday, September 19, 2009

HEALTHCARE - In summary, the president has had to change his arguments, abandon his statistics, and repudiate his anecdotes

Stopping Obamacare's Government Option Via The Blue Dogs: The List and Contact Information
The president has abandoned his "guarantees" that the currently covered can keep their insurance and their doctors. He has dramatically lowered his estimate of the number of uninsured. He has been embarrassed by the fact that he used a false story of insurance denial leading to death in his big speech to Congress last week.

In summary, the president has had to change his arguments, abandon his statistics, and repudiate his anecdotes. Why would anyone believe his assurances, his estimates or his projections, especially about Medicare, given this record of shifting stories and stats?

The collapse of the president's credibility on Obamacare has been accelerated by the ongoing and exploding scandal about ACORN, a group with which he is and will remain closely identified. The president of course is not responsible for the individuals whose criminality has been captured on tape these past two weeks, but if this is the sort of organization he has represented in the past and which is part of his core alliance of activists. What does that tell voters about the reliability of the rest of the president's core coalition?

At a minimum this all adds up to red lights and sirens for the nation's seniors, who know or should know that they are the big target for Obamacare "savings" --which means huge hikes in the cost of Medicare Advantage or huge cuts in available benefits, or both. Seniors especially have to hit the phones to the Blue Dog Democrats --their numbers are listed here and below-- and dial again and again and warn these Democrats that they will be retired in 14 months if they push through Obamacare.

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