Sunday, September 13, 2009

About 9/11 (this is important)

Two men, one idea:
Two kinds of peoples lose wars. Those who lack the physical resources to defeat their enemies and those who lack the cultural resources to defeat them. We do not lack the physical resources, but our culture is the culture of the ostrich, a head stuck inside a television set and a body left vulnerable to whoever will have it. We have come to believe that compassion is more important than justice, sensitivity is more important than truth, and that if we fight for ourselves, then we are always wrong. Our moral high ground has becoming a sinking island topped by a white flag.

There is one thing and only one thing alone that we can do to survive. Turn the corner. For G-d's sake, turn the corner. The ostrich is an endangered bird in the Middle East where sticking your head in the sand is no defense against those who would chop it off. Soon it will be an endangered bird everywhere else. There is no escape from those who would kill us, but that we kill them first. The failure to understand that is the failure to survive.

It is now 8:46 AM on September 11, 2009. Eight years to the minute when the inescapable choice was put before every single American. Turn the corner before it is too late.
9/11, Just Another Day

And the father of Daniel Pearl who wrote an open letter to the Attorney General (too bad Eric Holder is corrupt)
By crafting the Geneva Conventions at the end of World War II, the international community demonstrated the necessity of creating new legal frameworks to deal with new realities. That same need should now compel the international community to embrace a legal category to deal with the new phenomena of a war with no foreseen ending; an army with no honor and no respect for human life; an army with no uniform, no country and no government; and an army that does not reciprocate agreements...Our son was murdered—and his beheading videotaped—to satisfy this craving for publicity. Your recommendations must make it clear to every would-be terrorist that, if captured, he will go down the path of total oblivion to the extent allowed by law.
We Need a New Legal Regime to Fight the War on Terror

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