Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My good friend, philosophy professor Kelley L. Ross, has just added a new page to his incredible collection of essays and historical is an excerpt:
What has happened to the Democrats is that they have become the Party of Government, where all of their purposes are to promote the interests of Government, as opposed to the interests of citizens. You can spot this when Democrats say "We are the government," meaning that the interests of government and citizens cannot possibly diverge. But then we see the divergence in action when Democrat policy protects and expands the power and privileges of politicians, in the first place (hence their opposition to term limits, usually quite popular with voters), of public employees (hence the support of Public Employee and Teachers Unions for the Democrats), and of people dependent on the government (hence support for welfare, protectionism, and corporate welfare, recently seen in the corporate bailouts of 2009 -- though the Democrats want us to think that only Republicans promote corporate welfare). The logical goal of Democrat politics would be to put all business under the control of the government, a goal now achieved with General Motors, and to render all citizens into helpless peons who receive all goods and favors from politicians. Political enemies thus can be immediately deprived of jobs, housing, medical care, etc., as in the Soviet Union.
Click here to read the whole thing!

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