Friday, August 07, 2009

Our lazy bloviator-in-chief

The Urban Dictionary has this definition of one of Bill O'Reilly's favorite words, "bloviate":
To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner.

A key attribute to those that sell. To pretend to understand technical subject matter and sell it to others even dumber then oneself.
Today, Michael Gerson at the Washington Post lays out a fundamental flaw in Obama [emphasis mine]:
Honeymoons always end. But it is fair to ask: What did Obama use this initial period of unique standing and influence to achieve? It will seem strange to history, and probably, eventually, to Obama himself, that the president's main expenditure of political capital and largest legislative achievement was a $787 billion stimulus package he did not design and that ended up complicating the rest of his policy agenda. Such a pleasant honeymoon -- yet all we got was this lousy stimulus bill.

President Obama staked the initial reputation of his administration on the wisdom, restraint and economic innovation of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic congressional leadership. It was a mistake. The legislation they produced plugged the fiscal holes in state budgets and Medicaid, and it indulged eight years of pent-up Democratic spending demands on priorities from education to child care to Amtrak. The package did little to promote investment, job creation or economic growth. By one estimate, about 12 cents of every dollar spent was devoted to genuine economic stimulus. While Obama himself remains popular, support for his largest legislative achievement now stands at 34 percent.
You see? Obama loves to bloviate and "pretend to understand technical subject matter and sell it to others even dumber then oneself". He was dumb enough to hand over ALL the work of "his" legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats because (1) he doesn't understand economics and (2) HE IS LAZY!!! (Someone commented awhile back that they wished they'd known they were electing a member of Parliament instead of a President!)

Gerson closed with this:
So these are the main accomplishments of the Obama honeymoon: a widely criticized stimulus package, a health debate poorly begun and a growing, potentially consuming deficit problem. The initial period of Obama's presidency has revealed an odd mixture of boldness and timidity. A bold, even fiscally reckless, embrace of the priorities of the Democratic left. A timid, and politically unwise, deference to the views and approaches of the Democratic congressional leadership.
After the Thrill Is Gone

The Urban Dictionary also describes the word "bloviator" as
Someone who pontificates about issues of which they are uninformed, yet pretend to be expert.

Pompous blowhard, using their celebrity to speak about topics on which they are totally unqualified.
Obama was a community organizer for three years and left because he was discouraged that nothing had worked. The one big project he was in charge of at the Annenberg Foundation was a failure.

Now he's been white-guilted into experimenting on us. This is too great a country with way too much sacrifice in our history to let this fraud continue to be perpetrated.

Please Americans: speak up, speak out, and take our country back!

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