Saturday, August 01, 2009

GRAPHIC evidence proves liberals are delusional about Islam and the rights of women

Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugs says angrily (and rightly so):
Right out of the Islamic playbook, leftists apologists make it safe for the worst perpetrators of misogyny, gender apartheid and sexual abuse/rape as a weapon...Rachel Maddow trivialized Taliban, Iranian misogyny and persecution of women, actually comparing the horrific crimes and conditions to Republicans who supposedly want American women to stay in the kitchen...As long as the deception continues and the silence on these atrocities goes unchallenged, I will continue to make these videos. Here's the first in a series: Women in Islam...Obama's Islamic fiction vs Islamic fact:

Pamela also posted this on her site saying
According the leftopaths and their "logic" Republican housewives in the US have it as bad as this 11 year old wife (Maddow, Maher Moral Equivalency: Making the case for gender apartheid, hatred of women)
but since the video graphic is currently unavailable there, I'm quoting from her source at Bare Naked Islam for this:
A 10-year old Muslim girl was married off to a Muslim man, aged 42. The child was so unhappy with the arranged marriage that she ran away on a number of occasions but was forced by her family to return to her “husband.” Finally her husband and family had enough of the child’s disobedience and decided for the sake of her husband and family’s honor that she should be killed. Which they did by mutilating, dismembering and finally beheading her. Her body was discovered by a Thai couple out walking in a public park close to where the child’s family lived.

HONOR KILLING OF 11-YEAR OLD MUSLIM 'WIFE' (Viewer Discretion Advised)

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