Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why Democrats want you to be poor

Del Beccaro: Democrats Want You Poor
Written by CA Political News on July 11, 2009, 12:31 PM

Just How Poor Do the Democrat Leaders Want You To Be?

by Thomas G. Del Beccaro,, 7/9/09

Are you feeling better off today than you were six months ago? Perhaps more importantly, do you think you will be better off six months or six years from now?

Quite frankly, I dont see how you can possibly think you will be more prosperous in the years to come because it is rather apparent that the Democrats want us all to be poorer.

Why do I say that? Let me count the ways:

1. Obama and Pelosi are trying to share your wealth. Remember when Obama told Joe the Plumber that I think when you spread the wealth around, its good for everybody." Actually, its not good for everybody indeed it is worse for almost everybody. Spreading the wealth is the reverse of capitalism - capitalism requires that capital be aggregated so that entrepreneurs can invest it and start businesses which employ people. Without that capital formation, economies languish and people wind up poorer over time, i.e. check out the history of centralized economic systems like socialism, fascism and communism. Casting history aside, Obama is promising to raise taxes on the rich to pay for government all of which will result in a lower standard of living for us all.

2. Obama & Nancy are letting gas prices rise. Remember how the Media pounded President Bush relentlessly when oil and gas prices rose? Well, Crude Oil prices have doubled this year and the Media has nearly gone silent. Obama and Pelosi have too. Why? Because they want you to live in their alternative energy world at a price. The higher costs of that energy will weaken the economy long term which, in turn, reduces your standard of living.

3. Socialized Health Care Is Coming. Obama and Nancy want the government to make many of your health decisions just as they are deciding what type of cars GM can build and you can buy. The history of government run health care is a history of rationed care. All of which means that you will not have the choices you have now, i.e. your standard of living will be lower.

4. Capping your Future Wealth. Cap & trade is coming to a recession near you. Amidst what Obama says is the worst economy since the Great Depression, Obama is increasing the costs for employers around the country in the name of environmentalism. The problem, of course, is that the higher the cost of doing business the less jobs there are for people. Fewer jobs mean a prolonged recession which means a lower standard of living.

5. The Debt of Millenium. Obama is running up our debt like no one ever imagined from 48% of the overall GDP to over 80%. Someone has to pay for that someday. The combined effect of that debt and the taxes necessary to retire that debt mean a weaker economy over time and a lower standard of living.

Of course, there are many more tricks up Obamas sleeve that will reduce our future economic prospects. Those are just a few. All of them and more will reduce our economic prospects for years on end. Of course, we could just chalk that up to bad economics but we know better. There is little doubt that Obama and the Democrat leaders believe that Americans are too greedy. They want us to cut back in the name of the environment, social justice and equality. That is their motivation. We know Milton Friedman taught us that "A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither." We can add that they will get a lower standard of living as well.

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