Thursday, July 16, 2009

UK has 9-month wait for arthritis treatment: Delay can mean a lifetime of agony for victims

Read the whole story

Please: Contact your representatives (see toll free numbers at the top of this blog) and tell them you don't want their bloomin' health care reform!

And Duane Patterson (via Hugh Hewitt) just posted this: If you haven't done so already, go here and sign the online petition telling Barack Obama and the Democrats to keep their hands off your health care. Then you better start calling Democratic Congressmen. The head counting among the Republican Caucus hasn't found one yet that intends on voting for the health care bill. The Democratic Causus is a different matter entirely. There are somewhere around 50 of them who do not want to vote for it, but have one arm being twisted by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, and the other one is exposed for you to twist. Start twisting, America.

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