Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Shooting fish in a barrel

Watch economist and retired business executive Mr. George Newman shooting fish in a barrel:
  • "The American people overwhelmingly favor reform."
  • "The cost of health care rises two to three times as fast as inflation."
  • "Health care represents a rising proportion of our income."
  • "Shifting funds from health care to education would make for a better society."
  • "Forty-five million people in the U.S. are uninsured."
  • "The cost of treating the 45 million uninsured is shifted to the rest of us."
  • "A universal plan will reduce the cost of health care."
  • "U.S. companies are at a disadvantage against foreign competitors who don't have to pay their employees' health insurance."
  • "If you like your current plan you can keep it."
  • "Congress will be strictly neutral between the public and private plans."
  • "Decisions will still be made by doctors and patients and the system won't be politicized."
  • "We need a public plan to keep the private plans honest."

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