Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama's Misleading Medicine

By Robert Samuelson
WASHINGTON -- The most misused word in the health care debate is "reform." Everyone wants "reform," but what constitutes "reform" is another matter. If you listen to President Obama, his "reform" will satisfy almost everyone. It will insure the uninsured, control runaway health spending, subdue future budget deficits, preserve choice for patients and improve quality of care. These claims are self-serving exaggerations and political fantasies. They have destroyed what should be a serious national discussion of health care.

The health care conundrum involves a contradiction that the administration steadfastly obscures:
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1 comment:

  1. They are making a mockery of an important issue that does need overhaul, and considering the fact that what they are proposing will not reduce costs for consumers, I'm completely disgusted with the rhetoric. This bill would be devastating to Americans if it passes. Every American should be insulted at the answers they've been receiving from the Whitehouse and the Democratic Congress on the reality of this turkey bill.
