Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama says: We'll give your Mom a pain pill instead of that pacemaker...

HotAir.com reports: "This Marie Antoinette moment took place a month ago...but the video is definitely worth a revisit."
Jane Sturm told the story of her nearly 100-year-old mother, who was originally denied a pacemaker because of her age. She eventually got one, but only after seeking out another doctor.

“Outside the medical criteria,” Sturm asked, “is there a consideration that can be given for a certain spirit … and quality of life?”

“I don’t think that we can make judgments based on peoples’ spirit,” Obama said. … “Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking painkillers.“
And then Dr. Helen Smith says:
"Some heart arrhythmias are deadly, and a doctor telling a patient to take a pain killer to treat V-tach or V-fib should be guilty of malpractice..." then she asks: "Is Obama heartless, mean or just plain ignorant?"
Then HotAir.com says:
No more heartlesss, mean, or ignorant than the bureaucrats who will eventually make these decisions under ObamaCare, using their pocket Comparative Effectiveness Charts
Watch video here and read more

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