Friday, July 17, 2009

It is becoming increasingly clear that Obama ran for President because he hates America and wants very much to "change" it.

"There is also no question," Obama said, "that Guantanamo set back the moral authority that is America's strongest currency in the world."

No, Mr. President. Your position on Iran, Israel, Honduras, Chavez, Ukraine, Georgia, and the American taxpayer did that.

It is unconscionable that a President would invoke America's "moral authority" to pave the way for the advances of Islamic supremacism here and abroad. It is an abomination that he would sanction the actions of the Iranian mullahcracy while attempting to ethnically cleanse parts of Israel of the Jewish people. Denying the Jews' right to natural growth as a people is a crime against morality and humanity.

Obama's strange attraction to savages and despots is repugnant and enormously dangerous in a world teetering on the brink. I, for one, am sick of being preached to by a man who increasingly seems to be devoid of the basic decency that is inherent in those who have the genuine moral sense to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong.
Read the whole thing

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