Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Information War Against Israel

I've talked about the 'information war' being waged against Israel, and how her enemies and their supporters are constantly trying to delegitimize her historically, legally and morally — in order to weaken Western support and clear the path for the physical destruction of the Jewish state that is their ultimate goal:
  • Historically, they attempt to revise history to show that today's Jews have no roots in the Land of Israel

  • Legally, they try to prove that Israel's creation was not justified and that her actions violate international law

  • Morally, they accuse Israel as acting for the basest of motives and in the most despicable ways, to show that Israel does not deserve to exist as a nation
While reading the very biased Amnesty International report on alleged war crimes during the recent Gaza war, I started thinking about how they do these things. I've discussed the historical revisionism on several occasions. Today I want to write about how they try to distort perceptions of current events.

They use four basic tools:
The four tools of delegitimization

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