Friday, July 31, 2009

Health Reform and Cancer

The danger is that ObamaCare will stifle medical innovations that could save patients like me.


I have been battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, an incurable blood cancer, for the past nine years. Last year, I was also diagnosed with uterine cancer.

I didn’t run to Canada for treatment. Medicare took care of my needs right here in New York City. To endure, I just need the freedom to choose my insurance, my doctors, and get the diagnostic scans and care I need. And one more thing: I need hope that a treatment will be developed that can control my diseases the way insulin controls diabetes.

Every cancer patient needs these things, especially hope. But the government’s plan to reform the health-care system in this country threatens all of this—particularly the development of new treatments.
Read more


  1. My mother passed away from Lymphoma about 6 years ago and suffered the pains of going through chemotherapy. Ever since I have been searching for a higher road to health than the chemicals we are forced by the health industry to shove in our mouths. I have found the foundation for health that will give us a stronger chance against cancer if not defeat it throught the power of our body. I am a normal person who searched and found. Let me know if you truly want to know what I am talking about.

  2. The true shame is that the medical treatment for cancer does not cure but only masks the cancer at the moment until the cancer comes back bigger, stronger, and more likely to take your life.
