Saturday, July 18, 2009

Barack Obama's diabolical scheme to "save money" and fix social security at the same time!

Looks like Obama and his cohorts have taken a page right out of the famous 1970's science fiction movie Logan's Run described as: "An idyllic sci-fi future has one major drawback: life must end at 30."


They're going to begin with denying specific procedures and medications to "people over 65," but if you understand how socialized medicine works, that age limit will soon slip to 55, probably to 50 and will surely include ALL of the seriously infirm (regardless of age), children and fetuses with defects. Shades of the Nazi Party! In other words, they only want "quality health care" for the already healthy (who don't need health care). The "savings" will come from cutting short the lives of millions of utterly defenseless sick, weak and elderly Americans. Clever way to (1) save money on healthcare (after, of course, spending trillions to nationalize it), and (2) thin out that pesky herd of useless old folks to save Social Security.

Don’t believe me? Listen to one of experts:

Betsy McCaughey, Patient Advocate and Founder of the Committee to Reduce Invectious Deaths:

Interview July 16, 2009

(If you can't connect here, go to and click on "AUDIO" on the top toolbar, then click on Friday, July 17...Betsy's segment starts immediately.)

Here’s some of what she says (and here are a couple of Obama's fellow travelers):

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel
Head of the Department of Bioethics
The Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health

Dr. Emanuel, the brother of white house chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, has written extensively of the benefits of "comparative effectiveness research." This concept is keystone in socialized health care policies, such as those in Canada and the UK. In essence, comparative effectiveness research promotes devoting health care resources to those who have the most time left to benefit from them. To put it another way, those who are considered too old or too sick to truly reap the benefits from expensive treatments would be denied such care. Can this be where medicine is heading? (Dr. Emanuel has also recommended against treating such diseases as dementia and other incurable or irreversible diseases!)

Dr. David Blumenthal
Department of Health and Human Services
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

Dr. Blumenthal has been given the responsibility of developing a nation-wide medical monitoring system, which will "oversee" the choices your doctor makes when it comes to your health. Diagnoses, treatments, and recommendations will all be recorded in this system and analyzed by the government. If you doctor refuses to be a "meaningful user" of the system, he or she can expect to be penalized starting in 2014.

Find out more:

Betsy McCaughey’s website:

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