Saturday, June 06, 2009

Who is the object of Orly Taitz's actions? And who is respsonbile for endangering her life?

Posted on Pesky Emotional Republican (who hat tipped me but beat me to the punch on posting this :-)

Orly Tates writes:

I was very reluctant to talk about this matter, since it is very unsettling for my children, my husband and probably most difficult for my mom and dad, but since someone has posted my e-mail on, I guess I will need to talk about it.

Indeed, I got a number of threatening messages. One person threatened to shoot me and burn my body for the world to see. A few days ago my husband’s car died. It was taken to the shop and they found that a fuse was missing and they could not find that fuse anywhere in the car. At the same time a warning signal went on in my car. It took me a few days to get to the mechanic, as I had to fly to Tulsa OK. When the car was checked on Thursday, they found that a clamp was removed and a vapor emissions hose was disconnected. It caused the gasoline vapors to go to the engine, which could’ve caused a combustion. My whole family could’ve died. I reported this to the police. I am preparing dossier #9 with all the details.

A number of people have written to me that I have to hire 24/7 security and they have written that they support me, they are all behind me, and they are praying for me. This is all very nice, but I can’t pay the security with the word of support and prayers. Typically those companies charge $40-$50 per hour. Multiply that by 24/7, this is very expensive.

I get letters, e-mails from attorneys. Mostly it’s big mouth, big ego and grand standing letters. There are only a couple of attorneys helping here and there. What most of these attorneys don’t understand, is that Obama was born and raised with the ideas of radical communism. I lived in a communist society and I can tell you that the group that will be dissipated first- will be lawyers. When Obama is nationalising anything and everything and creating one governmental totalitarian bureaucracy, you will be talking to the walls. There were hardly any lawyers in the Soviet Union. Two main reasons:

a. the populace was impoverished and they couldn’t pay the lawyers

b. as you know, you can’t fight the city hall, and the whole country was one big city hall.

Let’s take health care. Say you are a brilliant lawyer. You had a great career and now you are in your fifties or sixties, you need life saving surgery and some governmental bureaucrat decides that it is not worth spending thousands of dollars on surgery for some big mouth lawyer, it makes more sense to use this money for this bureaucrat to go on vacation or to bring a bunch of illegals from Central America, they will be cheap labor, docile and silent. You will be frustrated, you will file law suits from here to the Supreme court and nobody will listen. Just like now they don’t listen, they don’t hear a word, nobody in law enforcement, nobody in Judiciary, nobody in the government. They are all utterly corrupt and violating their oath of office and it will only get worse and worse. Do you know what the outcome is going to be? You will die young from a treatable condition, as I’ve seen people dying young in the Soviet Union, while they were easily treated from the same diseases here in US .

Here is another example for some brain dead big mouth lawyers. Obama is depressing Christianity and promoting Islam, calling it a religion of peace and tolerance. Look around. How many Christian churches and Jewish temples are there in Saudi Arabia? How many Jewish lawyers are practicing in Kuwait or Iran, do you know, you idiots? I’ll tell you- big fat zero. How about women’s rights? In many of these countries women are not allowed to vote, they are forced in arranged marriages with much older men, taking a “proud” position of wife #3 or wife #4. Many are stoned for infractions. How about you- homosexual men and women. Look how they are treating homosexuals- with hangings and lashes. What you all don’t get, is that you will be loosing your liberties and constitutional freedoms more so then anybody else. Obama is talking about liberties and freedoms, but in his core he is a radical communist, radical Muslim, raised in a mob influenced environment of Chicago dirty politics. This man is completely destroying the economy of this country and the constitutional freedoms of this country and he has never proven any legitimacy for the position he holds.

So here is your choice. You can continue kissing Obama’s boots until you will be thrown under the buss or until some fuses and hoses will be disconnected in your car, if god forbid you speak up, or you can join me and fight for true transparency in government, you can fight to take the country back, to have true balanced trade and bring all the manufacturing back to this country, so we can finally get out of this economic slump and see our people going back to work, producing and proudly supporting their families.

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