Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pedophilia to be a protected sexual orientation in Senate bill S. 909 and House Bill H.R. 1913

Excerpt from an email by USAGOP; June 27, 2009
The forthcoming S.909 will mirror a House bill H.R. 1913, already passed 249-175 along strict party lines, which makes "sexual orientation," "gender," and "gender identity" into federally-protected classes under the law, and codifies federal protection of up to 547 types of sexually deviant behaviors, including:

* Incest – sex with one’s offspring (a crime, of course)

* Necrophilia – sexual relations with a corpse, also a crime

* Pedophilia – sex with an underage child, another crime

* Zoophilia – bestiality, a crime in numerous states

* Voyeurism – a criminal offense in most states

* Fronteurism – a man rubbing against an unknown woman’s buttocks
* Coprophilia – sexual arousal from feces

* Urophilia – sexual arousal from urine

Attempts by House Republicans to add amendments stating "pedophilia is not protected as a sexual orientation" were specifically blocked and defeated by House Democrats.
There's some sick shits in the Democratic Party...

UPDATE: read more about The Pedophile Protection Act!

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