Wednesday, June 03, 2009

No you can't!

In Sultan Knish's righteously angry article you will find out that Hillary is now saying Muslim Babies Okay, Jewish Babies Not Okay and how Obama's choosing to side with Muslims against Israel.
In only six months, the Obama Administration has already become the most Anti-Israel administration since the reign of "Apartheid" Jimmy Carter. In an NPR interview Obama described his administration's Anti-Israel trajectory as "Being Honest", which apparently makes Israel-Bashing, the New Honesty.

Obama expects Netanyahu to rush forward and begin the ethnic cleansing of 475,000 Jews from the West Bank and East Jerusalem, all to create a Palestinian state out of the Fatah and Hamas terrorist gangs. Now why exactly wouldn't Israel want to do that? Especially when Hamas and Fatah's main goals remain the destruction of Israel, and that most of their budgets go to training terrorists and trying to kill Israelis with bombs, shelling and rocket attacks.
And another excerpt:
Brick by brick, Obama has built up an administration that is hostile to Israel. He is sabotaging Israel at a military and political level. By voting for security, Israelis chose their own security, over Obama's foreign policy ambitions in the Muslim world. Now Obama is punishing them for it. Fueled by a longstanding bias toward Israel, with a worldview fed to him by a racist church where Israel was accused of creating genetic bombs and genocide, the last thing Obama cares about is Israel's survival. And in response, Israel has told Obama, "No you can't."
Read the whole thing!

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