Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ABSOLUTE BRUTALITY IN IRAN: DAY 12...militia with axes chopping people like meat

IRAN: DAY 12 BLOODIEST OF THE REVOLUTION - How could Obama do nothing? "Blood everywhere" "militia with axe chopping ppl like meat" "militia beating one woman with baton on ground - she had no defense nothing - sure that she is dead"
And more...
Indigo Red: "A gruesome observation: The sniper victims are being shot in the high upper torso just below the neck so as to increase visible bloodflow. The trachea and esophagus are smashed, the vein and artery burst causing maximal blood flow from the nose and mouth. Death is not immediate and is more akin to drowning as blood is inhaled into the lungs. These sniper shots are meant to be as gruesome, frightening, and graphic as possible; it is intimidation and emotional torture, as well as cold blooded murder".
From Pameal Geller at ATLAS SHRUGS

Incredible coverage and resources: Gateway Pundit (see comments at end)

1 comment:

  1. .
    Great post, I should put it in rotation in

    Effin evil, GDamn monkeys, barbaric savages, but BHO doesn't want to pass much judgment. Cowardly Leftist.


    absurd thought -
    your Supreme God says
    MAD mullahs MUST be in charge

    beating students and children
    and freaking over tweets

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says

    because you hate dictators
    and don't blame America

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    advocate for appeasement

    dictators don't respect force
    but they like tea and cookies
