Monday, May 04, 2009

These aren’t just lies – they are worse

California – Obama’s Incubator

by Dick McDonald
  • Highest income tax rate.......................10.3%

  • Highest sales tax rate............................8.25%

  • Fourth highest unemployment rate.......11.2%

  • 1% paid 48% of income taxes

  • Payroll taxes - Federal..........................15.3%

  • Income taxes - Federal.........................35.0%
Government does not create wealth – it steals it from the private sector through taxation and wastes it on consumption - on government workers, their pensions and special interest fantasies.

The Terminator waltzed into office in California promising tax cuts. President Barack Obama also told us in no uncertain terms that he would cut taxes on our citizens. These aren’t just lies – they are worse.

What is abundantly evident is that California has been taken over by political criminals – calling them socialists is a massive understatement. These people are showing Obama the way to fashion a similar fascist-like takeover of the American economy.

Governments don’t create wealth the private sector does. Government destroys wealth and wealth-creating vehicles of the private sector. It may be polite to call taxation social justice but if you can draw a breath you know it is outright theft.

Now even after taxing Californians silly, the legislature still has a $42 billion deficit with propositions on May 19th worded to make the people believe that politicians are doing positive things about it. Now if you call borrowing $5 billion against future lottery receipts targeted for schools as something positive you are just another loony Democrat.

I am praying that someone ignites the people at these tea parties to do something about this catastrophe in CA that is spreading quickly nationally.

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