Thursday, May 07, 2009

Swine Flu, President Obama, Baxter International in Chicago, China, and YOU

Citizen Wells reports:
Today the CDC provided an update at 11:00 AM ET about the current status of the H1N1, Swine flu. Here is a sentence from the report: "The ongoing outbreak of novel influenza A (H1N1) continues to expand in the United States. CDC expects that more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths from this outbreak will occur over the coming days and weeks.”
Then he says:
Earlier today the Citizen Wells blog reported that the Obama Administration was considering an unprecedented fall vaccination campaign of three flu shots.
Now he feels compelled to share three emails that he received in March 2009 from a retired military officer:
For several months I have been receiving reports from credible sources, some, ex military officers. The reports were about coming flu pandemics and conspiracies to harm and control the American public. These reports were compelling and had more credibility in the context of the Obama camp coming to power and making rapid changes based on fear and contrived scenarios in the housing and financial markets. The question before me then was should I present this information or let the dust settle and gather more information.
Please read and decide for yourself the danger we are in: Swine Flue Pandemic

UPDATE: Dr. Orly Taitz visits the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia:
We had an in depth conversation with a spokesperson Mr. David Daigle. Mr. Daigle has 20 years of experience serving in the US military and was not only knowledgeable in the CDC protocol, but in DOD protocol as well.

I have stated to Mr. Daigle, that I am a chair of a non-profit organization Defend Our Freedoms, I am visiting CDC as both Dr. and Esq., being concerned about certain aspects of the recent Swine Flu epidemic, mandatory vaccinations in the military and impact on the community.

I have asked him specific questions:
Mr. Daigle answers her questions here

1 comment:

  1. The US government spent $1 trillion to allegedly fight a retrovirus and now CO2 is deemed a dangerous substance. After the fake HIV/AIDS hysteria, I trust nothing that comes out of the CDC or NIH.
