Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lead anchor on national news program thoroughly uneducated and uniformed about Islam

UPDATE: From a friend who travels a lot in the Middle East: might want to add that:
  • Women can not travel without their husband or father’s permission.

  • Women can not seek medical treatment without their husband or father’s permission.

  • Women do not have the right of inheritance.

  • Women can not work at the few jobs that are open to women without their husband or father’s permission.

  • Women can not attend school without their husband or father’s permission.

  • A woman, no matter what her age, must live with her parents or other relatives until she is married.

  • A woman can not be alone in a room (including a doctor’s office, a job interview, an elevator, etc.) with a man she is not related to.

  • And, the one Sharia law/custom that I fully endorse [wink]: It is considered unseemly for a woman to give out cash tips to workers, drivers, maids, etc.
The Threat of Islam’s Fanatics

by Dick McDonald

I spent the better part of W’s first term researching and writing about Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi Sect of Islam and the Jihadist threat it posed to the World. His second term I spent promoting the privatization of Social Security and Medicare. In the last 24 hours I have had reason to revisit the threat that Islam poses to humanity. Of course I write this under the threat that this article is hate speech because the First Amendment is being rewritten by the liberal appeasers as we speak.

Last night I listened to Katie Couric on Dave Letterman’s show appear utterly amazed at what she discovered in Saudi Arabia on her recent visit on a multi-country interview with our Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. She breathlessly informed the audience that Saudi men don’t let their women drive cars, go out unescorted or shop on the same mall floor. When questioned she discovered the men allowed that if women shopped on the same floor it would be considered discriminatory towards men. Her shock only revealed her ignorance.

Now here is a lead anchor on a national news program so thoroughly uneducated and uniformed about Islam’s absolutely barbarian and primitive practices she was aghast at the fact that the shopping center she visited was the “Chop–Chop” center. Chop-chop signifying the place where they still hold public executions and dismemberment of limbs for offenses against the religion. You could viscerally feel the chills running down her spine.

This is one dim bulb – posing as a paragon of intelligent informed dialogue with the American people every week night at 6. This blindness is why the American people are being misled as to the goal of Islam to “caliphate” the world.

Then on television I see that crooked-spine leader of the free world do his third 360 this week and call for the very “military tribunals” of the Guantanamo detainees that he had promised the American people he would abolish. Obama is doing so much spinning he is giving the dreadle competition. Between him and the consummate liar Pelosi the American people should be convinced by now that the Zerocrats can never keep them safe.

To bolster that belief I talked to an ex- intelligence officer today who confided to me that the CIA has had its hands full of Islamic extremists but remains publicly silent to prevent panic and retribution. In his short stint in a major American city he counted over 400 Islamic terrorist incidences the agency thwarted during a one-year period he worked there.

Little has changed in the last four years since I last visited Islam’s Wahhabi sect. The threat they pose is worse than ever with air heads like Couric and a CIA keeping the threat a secret from ordinary Americans so they never get the message.

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