Friday, May 29, 2009

JUICY: " Monday we will reveal the 'secret life of Sonia Sotomayor.' "

Press Release Friday, May 29, 2009: "First, it will probably come as a surprise to both my supporters and detractors to learn I have been an urban educator, and actually taught college courses in the Bronx, at BCC. I became deeply steeped in New York's Puerto Rican culture, which I greatly admire.

"Second, last October Barack Obama panicked and sent his hapless mouthpiece Robert Gibbs out to smear me on 'Hannity & Colmes.' Gibbs tried to dredge up lies from a 25 year-old lawsuit involving Sotomayor's 'mentor.' Gibbs' smears and the lapdog New York Times' front-page echoing of those outrageous attacks on my integrity are about to bite them in Gibbs' amble buttocks; they had no idea in October they would have to regurgitate their words in June.

"That old lawsuit involved Joe 'Crazy Joey' or 'Cocaine Cabranes,' a cocaine-addled federal judge who went ballistic when I exposed he was using his personal divorce lawyer in cases appearing before him as a judge. 'Crazy Joey' tried to destroy me, and used his friends in the Court of Appeals to demonize me, to protect a bankruptcy fraud ring in New Haven federal courts involving the law firms of Irving Perlmutter, Richard Belford and Coan Lewendon & Royston. He even recruited Rudy Giuliani, who plays a cameo role in this theater of the absurd. We have the FBI records to document these outrages.

"As a result of my battles with the arrogant and corrupt judges of the Second Circuit, including the real anti-Semite Irving Kaufman, I became the 'undertaker' for Supreme Court nominations from the Second Circuit, and derailed both Cabranes' and Judge Jon R. Newman's nominations to the Supreme Court during the Clinton administration.

"Newman and 'Cocaine Cabranes' have continued to use their public offices to retaliate because of their personal grievances against me. So I know Sotomayor's 'mentor' and that creepy court as no one else does.

"My column Monday, however, does not deal with the past. It deals with Sotomayor's present. I bear her no personal ill will but her life has been a lie, and she should start telling the truth about whom she really is.

Stay tuned for Monday's BOMBSHELL!!!

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