Sunday, May 03, 2009

Committees of Safety: revitalizing "the Militia of the several States" under the Second Amendment

Well, if I'm not already on some kind of "list" I surely will be now! However, one caveat...I'm not a fan of Alex Jones (whose videos are on this site) because he teaches that there really isn't a war on terror and that it is a ruse to allow the government to control us. I've seen FITNA and it is 16 minutes that will change your life and your mind on this subject.
Committees of Safety is an organization dedicated to the individual and collective exercise of Americans’ freedoms of speech, association, and petition under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, for the ultimate purpose of revitalizing “the Militia of the several States” under the Second Amendment and other provisions of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions and laws of the several States. Committees of Safety is not now, and does not intend to become, any kind of “private militia”, “para-military group”, “firearms-training association”, “gun-rights organization”, or other entity of like nature or purpose. And no individual should seek to become, or to remain, a volunteer for Committees of Safety who proposes that Committees of Safety ought to identify itself as some form of such a group, or that volunteers for Committees of Safety should engage in “militia”, “para-military”, or like activities as part of their association with Committees of Safety. Committees of Safety recognizes as constitutional “Militia” only such groups as have been formed and operate under lawfully mandated statutes within particular states.

Any individual can be, and is welcome as, a volunteer for Committees of Safety, whether or not he or she possesses a firearm or desires to possess one. The only requirement for affiliation with Committees of Safety is that the individual acknowledges the need, and agrees to work in some way, for community preparedness according to constitutional principles and under State statutory authority, as called for in Committees of Safety’s petitions and other publications.
Committees of Safety

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