Tuesday, May 26, 2009

China Confindential: consistently out-reported mainstream media on twin threats to world peace--nuclear-arming North Korea & nuclear-armed Iran

China Confidential is the only media outlet to have accurately predicted both North Korean nuclear tests, including predicting the exact test dates. Using open source intelligence and an international network of volunteer stringers and analysts, China Confidential has consistently out-reported the mainstream media on the twin threats to world peace--nuclear-arming North Korea and nuclear-armed Iran.

POSTSCRIPT: Israeli defense experts are increasingly concerned about a possible EMP attack on the Jewish State. A knockout blow to electronic and communication systems could paralyze the country and allow for an all-out assault by Hezbollah, Hamas, and Syria with coordinated uprisings by radicalized Israeli Arabs. In such a scenario, Iran could be responsible for the sneak attack--delivered by a foreign-flagged vessel--that could theoretically pave the way for the conquest of Israel while affording Iran a measure of plausible deniability.
Could Iran Outsource an A-Bomb Test to N. Korea?

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