Friday, May 15, 2009


That the US markets are experiencing a Sucker's Rally is obvious to many experienced investors. That China's markets are experiencing the same may not be so obvious. Both economies are chugging down parallel tracks towards the same fate, a derailed train wreck, and for much the same reasons.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index has shot up over 50% since its low of November 4, and gained almost 6% in the last week alone. There has been a world-wide deluge of news stories about how China is recovering from recession with miraculous rapidity, and is back on track towards 8% GDP growth this year.

Who knew how many folks believe in Chinese Easter Bunnies? Evidently, even more than those who claim to see Easter Bunnies frolicking on the White House lawn portending an end to our recession and 3.5% growth by year's end.

There's almost no way to describe the magnitude of the train wreck Engineer Zero is heading us towards. China's is going to be nightmarish. Ours is going to be cataclysmic.


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