Sunday, May 31, 2009

AIDS / HIV / pharmaceutical industry fraud scandal unraveling day by day

Several critical updates on the unraveling of the AIDS / HIV industry scandal are presented by investigator/researcher Clark Baker:
After a group of international scientists demanded the retraction of Robert Gallo’s unproven reports (1, 2, 3, 4) on HIV and AIDS last December, it appears that the editors of Science are as timid as they were when they accepted Dr. Gallo’s reports without the customary requisite peer review and proof of concept.

As harmless as Science’s charity to Dr. Gallo may seem, his unproven opinions have since become the basis for all of AIDS policy in the US and around the world at a cost that approaches $1 trillion in US taxpayer dollars since 1981. The fact that Dr. Gallo’s Institute of Human Virology still receives millions of research dollars annually despite having been found guilty of scientific misconduct in 1992 is equally troubling. But like Bernie Madoff’s pyramid scheme, Gallo’s initial fraud gave birth to a trillion dollar fraud scheme that is now simply too big to fail – and in light of this explosive new film that exposes the confusion between the scientific mullahs that oversee AIDS theology, it appears that the rats are beginning to leave Gallo’s sinking ship.
Robert Gallo Feels The Heat
The New York Post reports that investigative reporter Celia Farber has filed suit this week against Atlanta physician James Murtagh MD, former medical student Kevin Kuritzky, and Richard Jefferys for libel and defamation:

Farber's lawyers filed a 21-page libel complaint this week in Manhattan Supreme Court accusing Richard Jefferys, of the Treatment Action Group, of orchestrating a campaign against her last May when she was given the Semmelweis Clean Hands Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for an article she wrote in Harper's in 2006, "AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science."

The Harpers article gave credence to the work of Peter Duesberg, who believes HIV is a harmless "passenger" virus and not the cause of AIDS, and questioned the value of expensive antiretroviral drugs. Jefferys and his team blitzed the Semmelweis Society with e-mails claiming Farber had altered quotes and falsely misrepresented scientific papers.

The Semmelweis Society, in turn, launched its own investigation and concluded the AIDS industry itself has all the characteristics of a multibillion-dollar criminal enterprise that desperately needed whistleblowers.
Investigative Reporter Files Lawsuit
...when the physicians and nurses at Semmelweis Society International (SSI) asked me to investigate allegations that UC Professor Peter Duesberg had killed millions in Africa, I expected to complete my task within days. With almost thirty years of investigative experience, I figured that a few Google searches would resolve the questions, one way or the other.

Little did I know that the allegations issued by James Murtagh MD, Kevin Kuritzky, and Richard Jefferys would consume thousands of hours of my time or expose me to the ugly underbelly of the pharmaceutical industry and its chicken-ranch relationship with America’s most prestigious universities.

While the evidence I discovered now suggests that millions may have been poisoned and murdered, I’ve found that Dr. Duesberg more closely resembles Moshe the Beadle than his pharmaceutically-funded accusers – who now appear to have far more in common with Phillip Morris than Louis Pasteur.

Since the release of my preliminary report (PDF) in July 2008, filmmaker Brent Leung completed his documentary and investigative reporter Celia Farber, who was also targeted, has filed suit against her accusers in the New York Supreme Court.

Has Sustiva Solved an HIV Mystery?
As I begin the second year of my investigation into the AIDS scam, I am still amazed by each day’s revelations. Unlike the predators I’ve driven from the street, Robert Gallo and his goons at the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) are now behaving as if they want to get caught. After decades of acquiescent oversight, NIAID Director Tony Fauci looks more like Tony Soprano than a medical doctor.

Last week I reported that the HIV drug Sustiva is not only being smoked like crack cocaine by thousands, but that abstinence from the drug compromises immune function in the same way that clinicians associate with AIDS. Marketed as a “non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor,” Bristol-Myers Squibb provides no warning of the drug’s highly addictive hypnotic properties or it’s terrifying and potentially deadly affects of withdrawal.
Doctors Without Boundaries


  1. Clark has uncovered something huge with this latest report of the HIV=AIDS=DEATH unproven scandal. Please read these last two posts.


  2. Until this year, Kevin David Kuritzky's been a wanted fugitive since his 2009 felony arrest.

    In 2012, OMSJ investigators linked KURITZKY, (aka “Kralc Rekab”, aka Snout, aka “David Regev”, aka “David Bender”) to a Comcast IP address in Cambridge MA. A year later, Comcast identified “David Regev’s” address within walking distance from Harvard University, where OMSJ’s server logs show that he spent many hours and months in an apartment with apparently no legitimate means of employment while blogging and defaming others.

    Using a new passport, Florida ID and SSN, Kuritzky fled back to Georgia under an assumed name. OMSJ tracked him down in Cartersville, where he was arrested by sheriff’s deputies on a fugitive warrant. Three weeks later, Mrs. Tovah Kuritzky filed for divorce in Florida, claiming to know nothing about Kuritzky’s secret life.

    Last March, Kuritzky pled guilty to embezzling at least $150,000 from his former employer, a FELONY. During the sentencing hearing, his attorney disclosed Kuritzky’s earlier vandalism conviction and cited his bouts of mental illness. You'll find more information about Kuritzky and his associate – former Emory Medical School Professor James Murtagh MD – at
