Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu: Crisis, or Conspiracy?

Jeff Schreiber claims to be a "Legal writer by day, exhausted law student by night. Lucky husband and proud father throughout." And so he is...and mostly he posts very informative and down-to-earth posts--or one of his recent additions as co-bloggers do--so I was surprised to see a headline with the "c" word (conspiracy)!!!

This man's bio is pretty impressive: "Ian Thorpe is a British satirical writer. Before retiring at a rather tender age following a serious illness, he was a consultant specializing in integrated digital networks. His projects involved him in utilities, banking and finance, oil and chemicals and many branches of commerce and government. He had some writing success in the 1970s and 1980s but had to put that aside because consultancy paid better. He has been contributing at America's Right since March 2009."

So, I take it very seriously when he writes about how this "swine flu" fits into our current situation (I'd just like to clarify whether or not his "two horses" -- "Once you understand who may benefit, you are equipped to deal with Phobos and Diemos, the two horses that pull the chariot of ancient Greek war god Ares." -- have any relationship to the FOUR horses of the Apocalypse!)

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