Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Slavery or Freedom?

When Benjamin Franklin was asked at the close of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, "What have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”, the learned gentleman answered both wisely and cynically, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Can we keep it? That's the question at the heart of the great struggle for America's soul. Are we a nation of laws or a people of pop culture?
America, the original Ownership Society, is swiftly becoming the Owned Society. The Ownership Society meant that Americans were one of the few citizenries that actually government themselves, because they owned their country. The Owned Society by contrast rolls everything together into one massive bureaucratic pyramid that owns everything and controls everyone, from cradle to grave.

The way to turn one into the other is through disempowerment and devaluation. And by causing people to forget that they are owners, by promising them that life as slaves will be so much easier for them. Why bother working hard when your new bureaucratic masters promise to take care of you instead? Universal health care, unlimited immigration, universal laws, universal everything. Come for the free chains, stay for the 16 hour ditch digging in the volunteer community corps.
Read the following article to understand that we, as a nation, are now facing the determing question of our future...slavery or freedom?

The Struggle for America's Soul - a Nation of Laws or a People of Pop Culture

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