Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Press Release from the Latin American Republicans of South Florida

The Latin American Republicans Of South Florida Express Concern And Regret Regarding President Obama's Recent OAS Summit Appearances With Regional Despots

Boca Raton, FL, April 21, 2009 - The Latin American Republicans of South Florida wish to express their disappointment and disapproval regarding certain regrettable public episodes that occurred during President Barack Obama's recent overseas diplomatic visit to the OAS Summit in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The Latin American Republicans of South Florida believe that President Obama's lack of diplomatic savviness and attention to Presidential protocol inadvertently gave public relations victories to several Latin American despots who have an established track record of oppression and tyranny.

When an American President offers to meet with certain world leaders who are the purveyors of anti-American rhetoric and engaged in the oppression of their nation's citizens - and does so without preconditions - he lends the prominence and stature of the Office of the President to those despots which can ultimately be misused in a manner that gives legitimacy to those same oppressive actions, whether our President intends this or not. The Latin American Republicans of South Florida clearly understand that the President oftentimes has to deal with despots and other unsavory elements when they are presented with no other choice. However, we also understand that public appearances with despots such as Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and Evo Morales can and will be manipulated by those leaders in a way which heightens their standing at home and lends legitimacy to their domestic oppression.

Therefore, we would like to respectfully remind President Obama that American foreign policy, as well as the diplomatic appearances and overtures that he makes as President of the United States not only affect the strategic interests of the United States, they also have a moral aspect to them; and if those overtures and appearances are not carefully considered, they can be used as a tool to continue to justify the continued repression of millions of people throughout Latin America.


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