Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama's Killing Field

by Dick McDonald

I have developed a marvelous plan to increase Social Security and Medicare benefits while at the same time substantially reducing the overall tax load all Americans bear -

The major resistance to my plan has been older people worried about losing their monthly Social Security check. If what Charles Krauthammer suggests in Obama: The Grand Strategy - that Obama’s plan is to pay for the trillions his socialist agenda will cost by a clever withholding of medical treatment to people in the last six months of their lives - then older people have something more serious than losing their Social Security check to worry about - like losing their life - in Obama’s modern version of the killing fields of Cambodia.

Death-by-delay has already been adopted by other state-run medical plans like those in England and Canada. Genocide by bureaucratic fiat is the norm. As fully a third to one-half of medical costs occur in the last six months of life withholding life-saving or life-extending procedures during that most painful period in one’s life appears to be the social justice Obama has in mind. The costs saved by withholding approval of treatment will run into the trillions. And Obama has to have trillions to pay for his socialist scheme of redistribution presently being legislated by a Congress either completely blind to Obama’s treacherous plan or complicit in implementing it.

President Obama and even Charles Krauthammer fail to realize that there is a more elegant solution to the Social Security and Medicare dilemma than raising taxes, reducing benefits and/or withholding treatment. That is to continue current programs as the floor under which no benefits can fall but change the funding to one in which the $1.5 trillion presently being withheld from citizens is placed in Personal Pension Accounts (PPA) owned by each taxpayer and involuntary invested by them in indexed-stock investments for their working life to compound into millions to allow them to self-finance the last months of their lives as well as enjoy an affluent and healthy retirement. See the above link. The fact that such a plan would solve our current economic crisis is just an added bonus.

Those of us complaining about the enormity of the debt Obama is incurring with our tax dollars and those of our children might start worrying about the genocide of our older folks. And if you are one of those older folks you might want to start worrying about Obama’s plan to withhold that heart bypass, hip replacement or kidney transplant you may need. That is the price one pays for installing a universal health plan run by heartless bureaucrats that kill by withholding treatment because a guy like Obama has decided you are not worth the cost.

Obama: The Grand Strategy

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